ASRM Education Foundation
The ASRM Education Foundation is tasked with the development of formal academic training programs in Regenerative Medicine at the Medical Student, Resident and Fellow level. The development and implementation of these programs will form the foundation for the education of future practitioners and scientists of the specialty of Regenerative Medicine.
An additional mission of the ASRM Education Foundation in conjunction with the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine Education Institute (AARMEI) is the implementation of educational programs and materials at the allied health care professional and college student levels.
Sponsorship of Educational Activities:
- Medical Student lectures on Regenerative Medicine subjects
- Lectures to Residents/Fellows
- Development of core curriculum in Regenerative Medicine for resident/fellow clinical rotations
- Development of core curriculum for dedicated academic fellowships in Regenerative Medicine
- Educational materials incl. textbooks, journal subscriptions, attendance of workshops, etc.
- Allied Health Care Regenerative Medicine conferences and online programs
- College student online Regenerative Medicine content
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